Educational Development

The goal of our Education Department is to provide students access to a myriad of opportunities to gain experience(s) academically, culturally, and socially with emphasis on 21st Century Skills. Through our program we provide scholarships to students who participate in the local and state oratorical, music, and beauty and talent competitions. In addition to our established scholarship awards, the department provides a number of internal and external activities that inform students of scholarships awards from various entities, summer programs, internships, tutorial programs, as well as avenues to highlight their talents. Our programs include but are not limited to:

• Oratorical presentations
• Music programs
• Talent competitions
• School supply drives
• Mentoring initiatives
• Scholarship awards to high school seniors attending an accredited community college, or college or university
• Dissemination of information about nationwide academic scholarship opportunities
• Access to cultural activities to enhance educational experiences.

Social Justice

Through the work of our Social Justice Facet our goal is to inform, educate, and enlighten our communities on issues of Civil Liberties and Civil Rights. The vehicles by which we accomplish this are as follows:

• Civil Liberties Programs
• Voter Education and Registration Drives
• Position papers/statements on events and/or actions that impact people of color.
• Disseminate information on voting rights and legislative updates state and national
• Forums on voter rights, voter rules, election process and rules.

Services to Youth

The Youth Department prepares our young people to become leaders and empowers them with the skills necessary to become successful and productive citizens in a global society. Children of all ages are given the opportunity to participate in our Precision Drill Teams where leadership, team building, organizational skills are emphasized. The students are given an opportunity to develop their artistic talents by creating precision drill routines for competition(s). Talent shows are hosted to give students the opportunity to display their talents and performance skills. These students also participate in our educational programs.

The Junior and Juvenile Leadership Programs focus on the history of the organization, goal setting (personal and organizational), and service projects. Each group is responsible for a service project that will impact their community. But most importantly the students are taught how to conduct effective meetings as well as parliamentary procedures.

Health and Human Services

Due to the disparities in health care for people of color, this facet is committed to improving the health and wellness of those we serve. The department has instituted a number of internal and external activities that increase awareness across generations of the health issues and chronic diseases impacting Mississippi and the African American community. Activities include but are not limited to the following:

• Cancer, Kidney, Diabetes and Sickle Cell Awareness Forums
• Workshops/forums to address physical and mental health issues within the black community
• Health Fairs
• Kidney Screenings
• Wellness checks on senior members of the organization and the community
• Provide food and other supplies to homeless shelters and food pantries
• Provide clothing and shoes for children in the foster care system